Enter glossed text below:

The format used:

Every glossed sentence is composed of two or three lines: One containing the sentence in the original language, one containing the gloss and one optional line containing a more free form translation. Multiple sentences can be entered at the same time.

The first two lines must have an equal number of words (sections seperated by spaces). Each word may consist of multiple parts, seperated by either a dash (-), a dot (.) or an equal sign (=). Any segment written in all capital letters in the gloss will be output as smallcaps if possible.

The third line (if wanted) must start with either a single or double quote (' or ").

A example of valid input:

For more information on glossing in general, try this site.

Notes on small caps:

The plaintext small caps use special unicode code points which aren't available for all characters (not available for Q and X; S and F might be wonky).

The reddit small caps only work on subreddits that support it (/r/conlangs only).